As Hemingway Instructed

Write hard and clear about what hurts. 
Ernest Hemingway

Replace "write" with "photograph" and here we are. Sometimes, life hurts. 

Most people only share their life's highlight reel with others (birthday parties, graduations, career advancements, new possessions, etc.). Yet, I have found more connection with others when I humbly share about a personal trial.

A couple weeks ago, I hesitantly posted an image on Facebook & Instagram of myself that I took while suffering with a migraine. People showed up in the comments! My hurt was the point of connection where we were able to begin a conversation. Beauty rose from the ashes of pain as I received love and support from my friends.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. With so many of us taking dozens of pictures every single day, how will your autobiographical novel read?

Mom Photo Balm is here to help you do as Hemingway instructed. With a documentary approach to storytelling photography, you'll be sharing your own emotional truths & deepening relationships along the way.

(Not sure how to do this? Get started >>here<< for instant photo tips & more information about workshops.)

In the meantime, when life does hurts, please remember you're not alone...

Friendship is the finest balm,