How to take better pictures of your kids (part two)

Stop posing & trying to make life look pretty. Just document what it is... on the mountain top and the valley, and millions of steps along each climb & descent. After describing the seasons of life, God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that He hath made every thing beautiful. We are just witnesses to His beautiful story of grace & mercy unfolding. What an honor to be one of His storytellers!

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Understanding Photography

What do you want to photograph & why? I will teach you, dear Momma, how to know & understand what's in front of your lens. It starts with basic knowledge of how your camera works, which buttons and dials do what, and how to take a decent photo. Once you grasp that technical foundation, I'll be able to explain more about how to compose your images and position yourself to clearly tell your story and express how you feel.

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Savor the pursuit

No one sets out in life desiring to be a failure. But, what is success? How would you define a successful life? First, you must realize that life is made up of a continuation of individual days and, within each of these days, is a series of connected moments. The choices we make in each of these moments alter life's course. If you want a successful life, you must consciously choose how you spend your time each day.

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